MSPA Forum Trollslum Wiki

Your name is VULKRE ZASTOZ.

You can't help but fee like you're ALWAYS BEING WATCHED, but who wouldn't want to see you?

Your LUSUS died not long ago from a TRAGIC MISTAKE you may or may not have made. Despite having close to no quadrants filled, you're EXTREMELY FRIENDLY. You occasionally FREAK OUT WITHOUT ANY NOTICE, and you guess that GETS KIND OF ANNOYING. But who could blame you? You were TRAUMATIZED a while back and you'd really RATHER NOT GO IN TO DETAIL ABOUT IT. Sometimes during these freak outs, you MURDER ANYTHING YOU CAN. That hasn't happened lately though, so NOBODY SHOULD WORRY.

Your screenname is acidulousAddict and you t3nd to typ3 w!th a b!t of hardsh!p.


