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Gwen Jacobs is a friend of Kate Maxwell in Turfbound. She is a generally easygoing girl but knows when to get serious if it's necessary. Her chumhandle is criticalSequence.



After arriving on earth via meteor, Gwen was taken in and raised by her Pop. She spent a lot of time helping him out with the animal shelter he ran, and this began her focus on animal rights and making life better for all living things. She met Kate through her activism blog, and she met Trip and Luke soon after.


Gwen was the first to hear about the game, and was the most excited to play it. It took a lot to convince her friends to play with her for varying reasons, and she only barely made it into the Medium before her neigborhood was struck by a meteor. With Trip as her server player and Kate as her client, she was the last to enter.


  • Gwen's eyes are maroon purple, just like her pesterchum text.
  • Gwen's birthday makes her a Pisces.
  • Gwen's cruxite artifact, a sword, represents one of the Four Horsemen of the Apocalypse, War.
  • Gwen's chumhandle acronym, CS, is the atomic symbol for Caesium, one of the alkali metals.