MSPA Forum Trollslum Wiki

Who's this fuckass?[]

Your name is TOM PETRARCA, and you just made a fuckton of fantrolls.

Okay, so you only made about FOURTEEN. Still, that's a lot. It was part of a PERSONAL CHALLENGE you put on yourself. You told yourself; "Make a fantroll," and then the SLEEPY AVIAN ONE CAME TO LIFE. You then made MADE ONE IN YOUR OWN IMAGE, and it was good. Afterwards came the fuckton.

You have a VARIETY OF INTERESTS. For one, you like MS PAINT ADVENTURES, and making sprites BASED ON IT. You also enjoy SWIMMING and have a fondness for PIRATES, as well as BIKING, collecting and CUDDLING PLUSHIES, making decisions BASED ON COINFLIP, ANTHROPOMORPHIC FAUNA OF THE SEPERABLE AVIAN VARIETY, PERSONA 4, ONE-ON-ONE FIGHTERS, COMPUTERS, WRITING STORIES AND CONCEPTS, and COMEDY, SOMETIMES OFTEN SATIRE. You also sometimes have a need to KEEP THINGS IN ORDER, and sometimes you just DO WHATEVER THE FUCK YOU WANT, or FANBOY OVER FALKOR MAKARA. Seriously, he is one sexy motherfucker.

Speaking of sexy motherfuckers...I mean Venusaur. Anyway, let's talk about your Kernelsprite. Y'know, that floaty dude who helps you through THE LAND OF SUN AND VINES.

But first, your, gyroAccelerator, and you talk like a normal person. Seriously, quirks are for chumps.

Introduce the floaty dude.[]

This is your KERNELSPRITE. His name is COBALISPRITE, prototyped from your TIG-O CLUMP-O-LUMP and COBALION PLUSHIE. You cannot express how much you love him. He is like your BEST FRIEND IN THE MEDIUM. He also has zippers on his NECK and WAIST, so he can be ZIP-AND-MATCHED. He is also a BADASS IN COMBAT, and pretty handy with SWORDS. He's also very JUSTIFIED, and gets an attack boost when HIT WITH DARK TYPE MOVES.

Okay, all Pokemon jokes aside, he's a good sprite, and you wouldn't want anything else.

What will you two do?[]

FangWolf.EXE's Trolls

Maid of Blood Blood
EunoiaSymbol Eunoia Lunbeg

Bard of Heart Heart
SehtusSymbol Sehtus Tremat

Mage of Space Space
LekrisSymbol Lekris Icolst

Heir of Life Life
TrarkaSymbol Trarka Quinas

Witch of Mind Mind
AdlaceSymbol Adlace Jogats

Knight of Rage Rage
YosonoSymbol Yosono Rykeun

Prince of VoidVoid
MisatoSymbol Misato Setoji

Rogue of Time Time
AveiusSymbol Aveius Garuda

Page of Light Light
JistyaSymbol Jistya Roftua

Seer of Doom Doom
NartazSymbol Nartaz Aseese

Thief of Breath Breath
MehcauSymbol Mehcau Axsela

Sylph of HopeHope
PoaseiSymbol Poasei Leiral

Lord of EverythingFWEXE everything icon
BlayydSymbol Blayyd Garsue

Muse of NothingFWEXE nothing icon
AulissSymbol Auliss Marstu
